Sunday, September 5, 2010

perfect beach day

We spent the morning on an almost empty First Beach in Newport. The weather was beautiful and from what I hear - the waves were great . . . (I failed to get a good shot) The girls had so much fun just running and digging and napping and dancing . . .
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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

if I were a blogger . . .

I would write about the delicious quinoa and black bean salad and cheese omelette I just scarfed down - oh, and I would have taken a picture of it, too.

I would tell you about the little dance I just did when I pulled perfectly perfect gluten-free almond cookies out of my oven - seriously, I think I did a fist pump - I haven't had much luck with recipes lately! (I haven't tasted them yet, however they LOOK terrific)

Of course, you'd know the cookies are for my friend, j, who just had her baby and who we get to go see this afternoon - yippee!!!

I'd tell you about the fire roaring in my living room on this late April afternoon - seems ridiculous that just last week I was donning shorts and flip flops - and how I think I am going to go lay in front of it until the little one awakes . . .

If I were a blogger I'd tell these things to "you"

ps. remind me to tell you about the ottoman slip cover I made yesterday!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Summer dinners!

I know it is not actually summer - but . . .

Brown rice and Edamame from here.

Dinner was NOT a success - hard to hide my disappointment, oh well.

Grilled cheese to the rescue!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

okay. bought a book. Girly Style Wardrobe. Now I'm committed to sewing and posting - I hope the learning curve is not too steep!